Wednesday 1 July 2015

步步惊请 (Scarlet Heart 2) summary (with spoiler)

A sequel of Scarlet Heart (步步精心), it continue the love story between Fourth Prince aka Yin Zheng (Nicky Wu) and Ruoxi aka Zhang Xiao (Liu Shi Shi) in modern times. The story begins with some scenes depicted Fourth Prince, now already Emperor Yingzheng reminiscence his love with Ruoxi. Since Ruoxi already died and their love can't be fulfilled, he determind to continue their love in the next life. He put his ring and hair ornament he give to Ruoxi in a wooden box, order his men to take it to Ruoxi homeland, along with many precious jewelery. 

The convoy can't make it to their destination. While they still in the desert, some tornado destroy the convoy, killed the soldier and buried the treasure in the desert. Time flies to 1980's, a group of friends, guided by Zhang Zejiang, a desert guide tried to search Yingzheng rumoured treasure box in the desert. When they still searching (and arguing), suddenly tornado came. Fortunately they survived the tornado and miraculously find the treasure box, same box that contain the ring and hair ornament. for commemorate that event, they take a group photo. After that story jump to recent year, left some unexplained event.    

After her soul back to her body, Zhang Xiao, still remember her life as Ruoxi. Everyday she go to Qing Dynasty exhibition, sponsored by Zhen Tian Corporation, reminiscing the old days as Ruoxi and palace life. One day she met Yin Zheng, the stepson of Zhen Tian Corporation Chairman and reincarnation of Emperor Yingzheng/Fourth Prince. Both of them didn't know each other and have no idea about their past, but somehow their feeling something deep inside.  

Feeling curious about Yin Zheng, whose face really looks like her 'Fourth Prince', Zhang Xiao follows him until his office and then applied work there to search more about Yin Zheng. When the interview time, her potential-immediate superior, who interview her feels that her experience didn't suit Zhen Tian Corp., so he decline her. Suddenly, Kang Zhentian, Zhen Tian Corp. Chairman and Yin Zheng step father passed by and feel something about Zhang Xiao. He speak with Zhang Xiao and accept her as Zhen Tian Corp. marketing Dept. Designer. There she also meet several people who feels like reincarnation of people from Qing era. 

Displeased by her way to be accepted, her manager, which looks like tenth prince, always picks on her. One day when she doing some errands, Zhang Xiao met with electrical accident. This accident makes her forget her life as Ruoxi and related event. No longer with ulterior motives, she works hard for the company and back to her cheerful personality.

Further in to the story, she also met with other Kang Zhentian son, Kang Si Han and Kang Si Yu. Both of them quickly falls in love with Zhang Xiao. Si Han openly express his affection to Zhang Xiao, while Si Yu secretly admire and helps her. When Si Han formally dating Zhang Xiao, Si Yu retreat and supporting their love. until the end of story he still keep his affection for Zhang Xiao secret, never open it and supporting Zhang Xiao as a friend.

At one point, Yin Zheng, Si Han and Si Yu became entangled in their family intrigue related Zhen Tian Corp. successor. Being the center of affection between 3 brothers, Yin-Kang-Zhang family past (related with treasure hunt event in the beginning), Zhang Xiao also involved with the problem.

Also added in the mix:

  • Lan Lan, Zhen Tian Corp. cosmetic line spokeperson turned Yin Zheng's girlfriend who have identical face with Zhang Xiao. Later she turned out to be Zhang Xiao older twin and after some life-death event became Yinuo, Si Han girlfriend.  
  • Yin Zheng's paternal uncle who bear grudge with Kang Zhen Tian and have some past with Lan Lan.
  • Huang Di, Zhang Xiao ex-boyfriend and fellow Zhen Tian Corp. worker who still living together with Zhang Xiao because his affair partner (who makes him and Zhang Xiao break up) make him broke.
  • and other supporting characters
One thing led to another, at first Yin Zheng wins the struggle and became the owner of Zhen Tian Corp., Kang Zhen Tian became paralysed because of stroke and Si Han kidnapped and later announce dead. At Si Han's funeral, after knowing the truth about his real father, Yin Zheng regretted his steps. He remorsefully said if Si Han still alive, he hope both of them can together lead Zhen Tian Corp. Suddenly Si Han make an appearance and for a moment everyone full of bliss.

When Yin Zheng repenting all of his past error and determined to start a new, now Si Han's turn who filled with grudge towards Yin Zheng. He make Yin Zheng give up all of Zhen Tian Corp. ownership to him, and then framed Yin Zheng with embezzlement and make him suffer. But thanks to Zhang Xiao, people find out the truth and Si Han be persuaded to forget the revenge plans. Si Han dropped the lawsuit and then invite Zhang Xiao, Yinuo and Yin Zheng for dinner. 

In the middle of dinner, Huang Di came and ask Zhang Xiao to come to Zhang Xiao farewell party held by him. At first Si Han reluctant to let her go, but in the end Zhang Xiao go to the party. After that some event happen, making Yinuo critically injured, Yin Zheng as a suspect and Si Han torned between guilty and accomplished feeling. Later his guilty feeling overcame him and he tried to commit suicide with Yinuo who still in coma. Thank fully Zhang Xiao came and persuaded him. 

Unfortunately the event make Yinuo condition more worse. She lost too much blood. With rare blood type and no stock available for tranfusion, Zhang Xiao volunteered to give her blood to Yinuo. But she transfuse too much blood, make her fall in long deep sleep. The ending a little bit confusing for me. It either a happy ending in real life or happy ending in dream-after-life. So I will not write the ending here.     

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