Friday 26 December 2014

christmas in Beijing (圣诞节)

Tahun ajaran ini saya mulai belajar bahasa Mandarin langsung di tempat asalnya. Beijing menjadi pilihan saya untuk belajar. Sehubungan dengan hal itu, maka jadilah tahun ini saya merayakan natal di Beijing.

Suasana natal disini amat berbeda dengan kondisi di Indonesia. Dekorasi natal memang masih bertebaran di berbagai pusat perbelanjaan namun aktivitas tetap berjalan sebagaimana biasanya. Sekolah-sekolah tetap masuk seperti biasa, begitu juga dengan para karyawan, tetap bekerja seperti biasa. 

Untuk misa natal kali ini, saya sengaja datang ke gereja Santo Yosef di Wangfujing, atau yang lebih dikenal sebagai gereja Timur. Sayangnya suasana misa di gereja ini terasa kurang khidmat. Mungkin karena terletak di tengah tempat wisata (Wangfujing terkenal akan pasar malam dan deretan toko-toko dan pusat perbelanjaannya) sehingga banyak orang awam yang turut ikut dalam misa. Sesungguhnya saya amat bahagia melihat antusiasme mereka untuk merayakan Natal, namun ada baiknya jika mereka lebih memiliki informasi ataupun pengetahuan terkait tata cara misa. Namun bagaimanapun juga, Terima Kasih atas keiikutsertaannya dan

  Selamat Natal!!!!! 

This year I started to study Chinese Language in China, precisely in Beijing. So this year I celebrated my first Christmas in Beijing.

Christmas atmosphere in Beijing differ greatly with Christmas atmosphere in Jakarta. Yes, they still have the decoration, in fact, many commercial places have christmas decoration, but school, work still have same activity with ordinary days.

for this christmas mass I go to St. Joseph's Wangfujing Cathedral or commonly known as East Church. Unfortunately the mass feels less solemn than usual. I think this influence by the church location (Wangfujing famous for its midnight market and shopping arcade) so many non-catholic people take part in the mass. I really, really grateful and happy to see their enthusiasm to celebrate christmas, but it will be more great if they have more information or knowledge about mass. However, really appreciate the effort. Wish you all 

Merry Christmas!!!!! 

今天我住在北京,我 开始学习汉语 所以今天是我的第一次在北京过圣诞节。北京的圣诞气氛和雅加达的圣诞气氛不一样。是的, 他们有圣诞节装饰,特别是商场。 很多商场有漂亮的圣诞装饰但是学校,工作还是有平常的日子同样的活动。这个圣诞节我去了一个教堂叫王府井天主教堂或者东堂。(sorry, I'm still in begginer and can't completely and perfectly translate all in Chinese language)


Tuesday 7 October 2014

Legend of Lu Zhen (Female Prime Minister)

Had watching this show since 3 weeks ago. Quiet a nice series, with good looking actor (hehehe). unfortunately, the 45 episode seems longer than necessary. Repeated scheme and plot (the villain obstruction, the quarrel between A Zhen and A Zhan) sometimes make me want to stop finishing it. With 1eps/day, currently not yet finished watching it, the temptation surely great.

Today, when watching eps 36, I finally tried to skip to the last episode. not entirely watching it, but just see the glimps of it. And it surely makes me think that:
  1. When you love someone, sometimes you have to let her/him go for greater good. Or in A Zhen case, for the country, Great Qi. Since she can't convince a child, she can't marry A Zhan, the emperor, and became empress. she had to let A Zhan marry someone else.
  2. Love can make you mad. Since everyone, literally, from the beginning of the series had opposed A Zhen- A Zhan couple with any possible reason and scheme, A Zhan became twisted lover in defense. He even planned to kill his soon to-be-bride to bring A Zhen back. (Un)fortunately the girl had an accident that make her got child like mental age.

All in all, so far it is a good series, despite the long episode. this series had solid story, nice costume and capable cast.

If you interested, go watch it in here (